The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet

Aug 1, 2016

How To Tell if a girl is Flirting With You

Want to know an easy way to know the Signs She’s Flirting With You?  I’m about to tell you.
1. A smile. This is the simplest flirt there is, and the hardest to misinterpret. If a woman smiles at you from across the room, a “slow smile” not a nervous or forced smile.this means that she wants you to talk to her.

2. The hair twirl. This is something that I do when I am into a guy and want him to be attracted to me. I twirl my hair, touch my lips and bat my eyes. All very feminine flirty things that, as women, we feel will make a man turned on and more attracted to us.

3. Body Language. Twisting my body away from you but still engaging in conversation.  When I flirt, I too want to be mysterious. So I’ll go back and forth between facing you and not facing you while in conversation. This will also help me calm do
wn and get more comfortable.

PS:When you notice a woman doing this and want to determine if she is interested, pay attention to the way she responds to you in conversation. If she responds with 1 word answers, then twists her body away, she is NOT interested. BUT if she engages you and responds with complete answers and then turns away or asks you a question,  she is into you.

4.Compliments & Digs.  You know how people say that loving and hating someone is pretty much the same thing. Well the same is true with compliments and insults.  If she’s complimenting you a lot or giving you digs like “oh you’re a player” or “I bet you like that girl”, SHE’S FLIRTING!!

5. Fidgeting. Tossing her hair, twists her pinky ring, or snaps her hairband, this counts as flirtatious behavior if and only if (and these are big “ifs” and “onlys”) she maintains uninterrupted eye contact. If she keeps glancing away, she may very well be repulsed by you and wants to get away as soon as possible. When I am attracted to someone I stumble over my words and fidget. We all get nervous.

6. Lively banter and laughing.  She will be laughing at all of your jokes… even the unfunny ones  (another powerful flirting sign)

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