The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet

Oct 3, 2016

How To Make Your Husband Happy

Keeping a fresh and exciting wedding can be a challenge in the stresses of everyday life. Fortunately, some small actions can make your husband happy and let him know you love him a little more each day. Share the responsibilities of marriage and try different approaches to lead a happy and spontaneous life that fills you and your husband both emotionally and sexually. Try some of the ideas below to pull the strings of the heart of your husband and grow your marriage.

Maintain the flame

1-Be romantic. Romance can easily be put on hold after a few years of marriage. Be sure to leave time for activities with family, as a candlelit dinner, a walk on the beach at sunset or watch a movie in cuddling.

2-Spice up your sex life. The sexual aspect of marriage is one of the aspects where excitement can fade quickly. You'll both work hard so that your sex life is interesting, but fortunately there was so many things to do.
Do not lock them into a boring routine. If you and your husband have a habit of making love without foreplay and without getting the court, sex can then simply become a routine activity at bedtime. Take the time to seduce you with a spontaneous moment to avoid feeling that a specific time imposed on you. The planned sex is not sexy.
Listen to the needs and desires of your husband. Know the preferences of your husband and know what he wants to try to bed His desires may change over time. Ask him just what he likes and what he wants, this simple question may even excite!
Try the 40 beads method. This method was developed by a woman who felt the need to see things change in her relationship with her husband. The method is that each partner has a bowl in which the other partner establish a pearl when he wants to make love and the partner then has some time to respond to this request.

3-Make an appointment with friends. Between your busy schedule and your husband, it can be difficult to find time to spend together. Make the commitment to go out with friends or dine with you together at least once a week. Here are some ideas for getting out
Dine and cinema. This classic never goes out of style if you change the restaurant and kind of movies every week.
Cook together. Try to prepare a meal that requires more effort than what you do on other nights of the week. Make a homemade pizza for fun while cooking.
Go picnicking in the spring or summer. A romantic picnic in a meadow or the beach can be a good way to get fresh air and spending time with both.
In winter, go ice skating. Keep your hand and slide two.
Do something bold. You could go climbing, snowboarding, surfing, etc.

4-Send loving messages during the day. Sometimes nothing is more effective than spontaneous SMS or a phone message from your partner. just call to say I love you or send your husband a rogue messages suggesting something he looks forward. 

5-Send a photo to your sexy husband to remind him what awaits him after work. Be sure to prevent in advance that you will send this picture, to be sure he does not open the message in front of friends or worse, his colleagues.
Post a video or a link on his Facebook profile to something that has special meaning to your relationship. This could be the clip of a love song or video of your favorite comedy.

6-Buy new sexy outfits. If you constantly hang at home in sweatpants, it is perhaps time for a shopping trip to find you new clothes. There is nothing wrong with putting you comfortable with your husband, but make sure you do not still stop taking care of yourself.
Spice up a basic outfit with a blouse or a sexy dress.
Wear a pair of high heels to elongate your legs. All men love long legs and sexy. A pair of heels are a quick and easy way to make your business more attractive outfit.
Buying new lingerie. Sexy lingerie is a way to spice up your sex life and show you to your husband in a different light.

7-Be attractive in attitude. be attractive not only due to being sexy is having an altruistic attitude. Be sure to be kind to your husband and take her feelings into account.
Be happy. We humans, we all have good and bad days. Although you should not try to hide your feelings if you are sad or depressed, you should as far as possible try to be someone whose company is enjoyable.
Smile. The visual signals are as important as words. Avoid constantly display a scowl and try to smile as much as possible.

8-play sports. This will perhaps seem a wound, having to do sports to have a sexy body, but a little practice will bring you much more than a slim figure and concrete abs. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, a hormone reducing stress and causing happiness.
It was also demonstrated that follow a good exercise routine increases sexual desire as a result of positive effects of sport on your body and your mind.
Try exercises reduce stress, such as yoga or exercise increase energy, such as running.
Do not underestimate the effects you feel sexy can have on your love life. When you feel desirable, your confidence and your sexuality come to light. 

Be spontaneous.

1-Go to concerts together. Buy tickets to see your favorite band live. The concerts were memorable experiences that create a unique feeling each time.

2-Go spontaneous road trip. Prepare business while your husband is out, then take him to a place that you both wanted to visit for a long time. Make a playlist for the trip that represents your relationship.

3-Stay up all night watching movies. Does an A favorite director? Compile all favorite movies of your husband, warm popcorn and spend the night watching TV. You may fall asleep, but such a night can be fun and give you time to cuddle you at home.

4-Go camping. A rustic output can be very romantic, especially if you spend the night together under the stars. Take just the basics and go into the woods for a short break to two that will not ruin you.

5-Let him words of love all around the house. Scatter of love notes around the house where your husband can see them. But do not stop there, put little notes in the pockets of his clothes or paste a I love you on the steering wheel of his car. These small gestures will do all smiles throughout the day and can really change everything for your relationship.

6-Let her discover something new. You recently read a fascinating book or have discovered a great band? Share your discoveries with your husband. Bring new elements in your relationship will give you more conversation topics.

Make occasional gifts.

1-Frame a picture of you two. A picture may be worth a thousand words and frame a photo of you and your husband is a good way to show her how much you value him. You may also make a collage of your last vacation or all of your best memories together over the years, to remind him of the good times to two.

2-Get him a gift house. Good books are a very good (and cheap) way to show someone that you love. Be creative and give your husband vouchers for romantic activities he can exchange at any time. Here are some ideas:
  • A massage.
  • Sexual activity.
  • His favorite meal home.
  • The control of the TV.
  • An outlet in his favorite restaurant.
  • A wildcard to pass his turn chores.
3-Prepare his meals or favorite dessert. Food can actually feed the soul and make efforts to prepare a meal home to show your partner how much you care. Take the time to cook the dish or dessert favorite of your husband time to time. Make him the surprise of adding an extra romantic element

4-Make it a compilation or a playlist. Take time to make a playlist of favorite songs from your husband or find new songs he could love. You can also make a playlist of love songs you have played together at one time or another of your relationship.
  • Offer this CD to your husband with a note explaining the significance that this playlist has for you.
  • Or, put the CD in his car radio and program it so that the playlist starts walking the next time he turn his engine. This little careful smile will make your husband as he fastens his belt.

 5-Offer him something of nature. Pick something a piece of nature that matters to you. It could be a pebble-shaped heart, a shell from the beach or even a branch picked up at your favorite hiking. Tell your husband that this symbol has made you think of him.

Make your home a warm home.

1-Keep your home clean. This does not mean you should do all the housework all the time, but you should both share the responsibility to make a comfortable home. Try not to take ownership of the bedroom, throwing your clothes and make-up everywhere.

2-Greet him warmly. If you are at home when your husband comes home from work, receive him with a kiss and a smile. This will then put you on a positive note and will make your home comfortable and happy place.

3-Cook together. Share the responsibility to make a dinner that you can then enjoy together. Dinner is a moment in which to share your day and actually talk with your husband. Avoid choosing a frozen meal and prepare yourself to share a meal together.

4-Tinker your home together. Take a weekend to work on a craft project together. Build or paint something together to improve your home can be a rewarding experience. Producing something together, for each other, the results will be extremely rewarding.

5-Invite the family to dinner. Once you have made your home a comfortable place, like your relationship, invite the family of your husband to dinner or lunch. Your husband will appreciate the effort you make to get closer to his family and to put them at ease, welcome and love.

6-Avoid becoming mere roommates. It is easy to become so comfortable with each other that you come to feel as mere roommates. Be sure to be affectionate at home cuddling, touching or kissing your husband throughout the day. Do not let all your inhibitions away once you live together. Exposing your natural needs is always extremely rude, not to mention that it is also a turn-off.

Maintain your individuality.

1-Take time for yourself. By being happy yourself, you will bring joy to your wedding.
For your husband is happy with you, you must have confidence in yourself and be comfortable in your skin. Happiness comes from behavior, different feelings and experiences for each individual, but just be sure to take time to take care of yourself, in addition to taking care of your husband.

2-Make time to spend with friends each. It is important that you and your husband both take the time to nurture the relationships you have with other people. Friends are an important part of a person's life and spend time with them will help you balance your life.
Plan one night a week to spend with friends each. By choosing the same night, neither partner will feel neglected while the other goes out with his friends.
When you go out with friends, do not keep talking about your husband. This moment must be some kind of break in your married life and should allow you to link more to your friends and what happens in their lives.

3-Do not lose your view of passions. If you and your husband have the same passions, it's wonderful. But make sure that each of you also keeps its own occupations. If you enjoy reading and that he enjoys golf, give yourself one to another time to do these activities. You do not have to share everything all the time and giving space to another, you actually strengthen your relationship.

4-Be honest with each other. Communication is the key to any relationship. Be sure to tell your partner how you feel, even if it is unpleasant. If you think you've made a big effort to make your husband happy and it does not make you your love, tell him! Often, all you do is to bring a significant change is to tell what you need.

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