The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet

Aug 23, 2016

5 Keys For More Confidence

Feeling good in his sneakers, self-confidence: a trait so variable from one person to another. And we see it every day; some having to sell, others cruelly missing. But confidence is not among the innate qualities. This means that we can always improve self-esteem. Yes, boost his ego can be learned! So what confidence she is an important quality?

Self-confidence, to gain authenticity in their relationships with others
People who do not trust them constantly devalue, and often do not realize that others may find their qualities. The lack of confidence simply prevents them from taking initiatives and move forward. We do not believe in what we do, so why try. Thus miss a lot of opportunities!
In other cases, however, insecure people to play a role, pretending to feel more comfortable, and construct an image that fundamentally lack of authenticity. They equally have difficulties to find the way that suits them really well and to take their lives.
But confidence should, above all to think independently and act more freely. What to make relations with others more authentic and fulfilling character.

How to learn and enhance their self-image?
To gain confidence, the first thing to never lose sight of is that we have a full identity. That is to say that we must have a clear idea of ​​who you really are: a unique person, with his passions, his character, his sensitivity, his tastes ...
Then, we try to highlight its strengths, its know-how: its organizational ability, his listening, his culinary skills ... because there is necessarily an area where we feel more comfortable than 'other. Feel free to list your qualifications on a white sheet, to fully integrate.

It must also be free of judgments received in childhood or adolescence. Very often, the lack of confidence comes from the eyes or negative words spoken during that period.

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The 5 keys to self-confidence :

1- Acceptance

We must give ourselves the right to have opinions, thoughts, actions. And appropriating without denigrating or denying them. So every day, you force to give its opinion in a conversation, even if it goes against what others think, and even if we imagine that it has no interest. First try a select committee, with family for example, and when you feel more comfortable, express your opinion to your friends. Last step: in the office, to your colleagues during the meeting.

2- The assertion

Be genuine in your relationships, and do not try to distort reality in order to please. You can not copy your attitude on that of others, because each has its own mode of expression. Example: buy clothes that really appeal to you instead of always copy the look of your Charlotte girlfriend! Dare to tell your lover that you do not like horror movie that has yet loved him.

3- Setting goals

Take mini challenges everyday. For this, one must know its abilities and limitations by setting achievable goals. Start slowly, step by step increasing difficulty. Then observe the results to recognize what needs to change and adjust.

Also turn on its failures, assesses what went wrong, and thus avoid the same mistakes.

4- autosuggestion

Repeat positive phrases morning and evening: "I can do it", "I have the capabilities for this job ..." or "I am the best" ... it is positive thinking, and it helps to build self-confidence, and not see everything negatively. But for this method to work, we must first believe in its power!

5- Facing situations

Instead of fleeing constantly situations that bring uncomfortable, we must confront it and move forward. Do not lower the eyes as soon as look at you, respond and restart the discussion when a stranger commits a conversation ... all being to new experience to gradually better understand these stressful situations.

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