The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet

Aug 25, 2016

Understanding Women: 7 Things to Know To Better Understand Female Psychology

Understanding Women: 7 Things to Know To Better Understand Female Psychology
Know to better understand female psychology

how to understand a femmeComment understand women?

How to successfully enter this feminine psychology that can often seem to defy logic for the male?

From the perspective of men, women are known to have unpredictable behavior, incomprehensible, fickle ...

Some find themselves in completely clueless, either to attract or maintain a relationship with them ...

"At the beginning of the discussion it was super playful and suddenly she farted a cable for nothing and became hysterical ..."

"I offered to go further but suddenly she looked less interested, as if I liked him, I do not understand ..."

If you find you have difficulty understanding women, do not panic:

You are far from alone.
Indeed, this is the case for most guys.

And this is normal:

Men and women are fundamentally different (similar in many ways but fundamentally different in others).
This is due to hormones, genetic heritage, but also probably a little education and morals.

In what follows, we will dissect this whole female psychology (or at least part of it) that seems so difficult to understand for most men.

Generally, the guys try to understand women reasoning as if they were men.
Assuming they think the same way that guys.

Except that often this is not the case ...

... This explains many communication problems and misunderstandings in man-woman relationships, which sometimes lead to shouting matches and crises never end.

... Or difficult to realize when we have not in mind what women look for in a relationship or an affair.

Well, you will find 8 key points to keep in mind to better understand a woman and her way of thinking.

It will serve you as well as for dredging to lead a married life in which you thrive.

Let's go :

1. Women are more emotional than rational:

understand women amourLa first thing to understand is that women in their interactions are predominantly governed by emotions (men too, but to a lesser extent).
This is particularly why they are crazy about romantic films and serials with rose water typically for girls.

This is because it gives them experience a lot of emotions that make them tick.

This is also why they sometimes give the impression of having a behavior that seems to defy all logic and that their actions do not stick to their word.

"This guy is too stupid, it annoys me, I do not feel like talking to him. "
Yet shortly after the girl finds herself stuck to him.
A classic :)

To conquer a woman, forget the logical arguments.
Logical arguments (eg "You should be my girlfriend because ...") do not work.
They give birth any emotional response in their brains (or too low).

To conquer a girl, what matters are the emotions you make him feel.
This is what she could feel with you, through the discussions that you had with her and the times you spent together.

2. Women have a reputation to protect:

trend féminineDepuis time immemorial, women have always ensure maximum protection to their reputation.

In our society, a woman who sleeps with lots of guys is considered a slut.

Both to guys than women (not all, of course, but the majority).

Do not ask me if it's right or wrong, that is not the issue.

This may be unfair (because for a guy that's just the opposite), but the fact is that in most societies, easy girls who sleep with a vengeance are seen as streaks ...

And you will agree with me that most girls do not especially want to be treated as sluts or streaks ...

That is why they sometimes show (and often) difficult to attract if one does not know to do it.

For example, a girl usually show more difficult to attract if you try to nab the front of his friends or acquaintances.

And in the same way, with a girl you do not always leave nab easily and often will ensure to offer some resistance to your advances.
Just to give you subtly that it is not an easy girl and you can not nab easily.

This is also the reason why girls do not say things clearly.

You rarely hear a girl say explicitly: "I like you, I want to sleep with you"

A girl will communicate its intentions in a much more subtle, eg, by innuendo, that this is the man who takes the initiative, as if she had no choice.

Women pay attention to their reputation as the apple of their eyes.
Therefore tact, discretion and social intelligence are powerful assets to attract effectively.

3. Women are looking for protection:

 women have a survival instinct still ingrained in them.
Just like men, but in a different way.

There are still not so long (since thousands of years until just a few centuries or decades), women needed protection to survive.

And this protection was often provided by a man.

One woman was more exposed to various dangers of the world she was changing a woman in a relationship with a strong man to protect her.

This protection was operating at both the physical (defense against aggression) at the level of basic needs (food, housing ...).
This need for protection is necessary both for her and for her future children.

Although our modern society we no longer live in a world as dangerous and hostile than before and that we evolved, this model of thinking is still deeply rooted in our unconscious (which itself puts much more time to evolve than our lifestyles).

And the male is no exception to the rule: we are attracted to beautiful women because a beautiful woman is synonymous with a healthy woman, more likely to give birth to healthy children, responding to need for reproduction and conservation of the species.

Despite the evolution of our societies, we seek always consciously or unconsciously to meet those needs, and for a woman this means:

  • attracted to intelligent men (socially intelligent, able to evolve in society, or intelligent in other areas that can contribute to security)
  • an attraction to men of high social status
  • an attraction to men physically imposing
4. Women seeking some stability:

understand women and their psychology profondePour several reasons (including the one we saw just above), women are looking for some stability in men.

And particularly stable emotionally.
They prefer to avoid unbalanced guys who are unable to control themselves;)

Stability means safety, strength, rock which hang in a storm.

A stable man that can not break, is extremely reassuring.

This search for stability is what explains the fact that women are constantly seeking to test us and break us.
It is done so conscious or unconscious.

When trying to seduce a girl, it generally seeks to you put spokes in the wheels (to protect his reputation but also to test your strength).

She will want to see if you are the type to give up at the first hurdle or if you are able to persevere.

A girl you launch small spikes and small valves sometimes hurtful to see if you give in to your emotions or you can control you.

You understand better why some girls sometimes behave provocatively and annoying way?

They want to see if you'll freak or you can remain unmoved.
And when you do not respond to these attacks, this is where you score points, that is extremely attractive and exciting for a girl.

5. Women know (and love) to seduce:

feminine psychology understand how femmesPuisqu'elles did not have the physical abilities of men, women have had to develop another asset to survive and evolve in society: seduction.

The fairer sex has developed over the last millennia a considerable expertise in the art of seduction.

This mastery of seduction comes at the physical level (makeup, clothes ...) and psychological level.

Women know how to desire.
And they like to feel unwanted.

Consciously or unconsciously, it is not rare for a woman to do so to make a man addicted he likes to be able to ensure that it will want her and not another.

This is partly a reason why a girl show sometimes interested, sometimes indifferent ... To lead us to make films and to doubt, to make an obsession .

6. Women seeking a direction:

understand what people say fillesC'est a controversial point but could be verified several times:

Most women are looking for a structure, a direction.
They seek a framework in which they can develop and express their emotions.

They need to feel guided.
To be able to surrender to life with confidence.

This is a point that is not easy to explain (female psychology is very complex), but in practice, this translates into an attraction to men who know how to lead.

Women are attracted to men who know how to take things in hand.
They like to feel taken.
They like to be in the presence of man who can make decisions.

It is not to be a tyrant, but to show that you know to take things in hand.

  • Decide where you are going to take a drink or dinner at the restaurant.
  • Decide what day and time you will end up.
  • Decide where you are going to sit down and when you get up.
  • Decide what movie you're going to go to the movies.

In short, show them that you know to take things in hand.
Show him that you are able to make quick and firm decisions.

Although some women will claim you otherwise, it's extremely exciting.

Probably in part because it shows some intelligence and some ability to take action.
A potential ability to climb the social ladder and to react quickly in case of aggression.

7. Women want a real man:

interpret attitude of opposing femmeLes attract.

The femininity of the woman is attracted to masculinity of man.

This is the reason why very feminine women are attracted to masculine guys by male guys.

It touches on their primary side to that side which is powerfully excited by the sexual tension that can be very high during an interaction between a man and a woman.

When a woman is attracted unchecked by a man who apparently does not like (with an "asshole" by a  man, a "macho", with "ugly" man) is that this guy exudes a powerful male energy that draws powerfully the feminine side of women.

Here we really talking about something that operates under the radar.
There is talk of opposing energies that attract like ying and yang.

This is why establishing a powerful sexual tension can greatly excite a woman.

This is also why you must seek to ATTRACT and not to please:

When you seek to please, looking to polish the difference between the girl and you.
Looking to destroy this tension because it is attracted to you.

That's why a lot of guys end up in the zone friend (friend the famous one): they do everything to please the woman they want to seduce, by agreeing with her on everything, making sure to have the same interests, have plenty in common, etc .

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