The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet

Jul 31, 2016

5 Things That Women Wish Men Knew

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While we can't guarantee that these are universal truths that apply to every woman, it's a good start. As a further disclaimer, please be aware that this list is compiled from suggestions made by several individual women who do not claim to be experts in anything except their own opinions, and is unapologetically politically incorrect.

Ladies, we'd love to have your opinion and suggestions.

1-to have a  kiss on the first date.

Now, some of us are more comfortable with this than others, but overall, we've found that a guy who wants to give you a nice polite kiss goodnight is actually interested. Knowing that is way cooler than wondering if he's ever going to call again. If a goodnight kiss, or a peck on the cheek doesn't seem appropriate, go for the hug. Most everybody's ok with that.

2-To open doors and pull out chairs.

Actually, we kind of like it. It's not that we aren't capable of doing it ourselves, but it's nice to see that a guy's got manners.

3-you Don't have to pay for everything .

Not that we mind, per say, but we don't expect you to bankrupt yourself taking us out all the time. Any woman who really does expect her guy to bankroll their every excursion is what we here at Dating Insider call a Princess. Princesses are a whole separate topic. Most of us are fully independent women who don't mind sharing the tab or trading off who pays for a date each time.

4-Don't wait 3 days after the first date to call .

We've all heard this rule...that if you call the next day, you're desperate. Yeah, right. What ends up happening is that you sit around for three days wondering if it's ok to pick up the phone yet without scaring her off, and we sit around agonizing to our friends about whether or not you're interested because we have no way of knowing. If you really want to call someone, call them.  

5-Intelligence is attractive .

Neanderthal generally is not. Save the testosterone bursts for when you're out with your friends, please.

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