The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet

Nov 12, 2016

The Difference Between Love And Attachment

These two notions are close and confusion exists in the common language. Yet there is a huge difference between the two. For a fulfilled love life, one must know how to distinguish between a simple attraction and real feelings. Do not make this confusion will allow you to set up the appropriate actions to succeed your story. But then how to proceed in this framework and especially how to know if it is about love between you and your partner or attachment? To find out, read carefully what follows!


There are three important differences between love and attachment that I suggest you discover immediately.


The first difference between love and attachment that comes to mind is obviously the fact that feeling affection for a person takes less time than to really fall in love or love. Let's take a simple example. You meet someone on a dating site, you talk several days, you get to know each other, you start to joke together in a virtual way, and then arrive the phone contacts with sms that are becoming more and more numerous and even Calls to hear your respective voices. It is therefore very probable that attachment occurs at the same time without even needing to see you.

Do you really think that to fall in love does not need a little more?

Stop briefly reading this article and think about what it took you to develop feelings for the person you most loved. It took time, strong moments and even sex to become one with your half. After a successful meeting in which you will be able to embrace the person you have invited, you feel the attachment, you send a message as soon as you go home, you want to see it again as soon as possible but This is not what one can call love in the strongest sense of the term.


I do not want to appear pessimistic or to pass for the one who wants you to remain single for life because it is obviously just the opposite! But the couple life is not always rosy and you have to have that in mind.

You must not be fragile to overcome the various hardships you are going through. For that, you need strong feelings and not just attraction or affection for this man or woman you have just met. You need to have the certainty of wanting to make efforts and concessions for your partner.

You should not be guided by your emotions or your feelings. This is also where one of the differences between love and attachment lies. You can not do projects like moving in together, making children, marrying you if you do not feel love for the one you met.

All the stories being different I do not want to mislead you by telling you that it takes at least 6 months or 1 year to fall in love because you can very well feel love quickly. I shall therefore refrain from giving a definite duration to this notion of the difference between love and attachment. However, you are in what I call a passionate thunderbolt. That is why you should not be rushed. Just use this attachment to build a solid relationship in which you will truly feel the most beautiful feelings.


Let's take our example of the first successful meeting. It is perfect to illustrate my point and make you realize that you may sometimes go too fast and you imagine already living a great love story after a simple kiss.
A few days after your appointment you will therefore want to see him again but if it is not the case you will feel frustration. Some will think that it is because you are totally under the spell but it is not at all the case, you are not yet in love !

If for several days / weeks you do not see it again your enthusiasm will fall and you will realize that it was not what you thought and that you idealized this person whom you considered important. On the contrary, if you do not see the man or woman you love for several days / weeks, then you will feel a lack that gnaws at you and not just frustration. If you know someone who lives a remote relationship you can talk to him and you will see that there is a huge difference between love and attachment to a person.

Love is more reliable and inevitably longer and more powerful than attraction to a person. We do not forget a man or a woman whom we love in a few weeks or days. If you have lived a relationship based on physics and not on feelings you will not necessarily remember your partner. When we feel real feelings for a person, he / she always remains in a corner of our heart whether we like it or not.

We do not meet love very often in his life but on the other hand one can attach and live many relationships while being very happy . Not to feel love does not mean that one has a disastrous sentimental life. Sometimes it is even less painful and we move faster to something else.

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