The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet

Aug 26, 2016

5 Tips to Improve Your Relationship And Be Happy Together

Sometimes a more fulfilling relationship, it wishes to little.

The weekends alone together are important, as are common memories constructed away from home.

But even at home, you can make to improve your relationship, your complicity and your mutual commitment.

A couple is the combination of 2 people. And it is essential that each of these two people has its moments, victories and failures, leisure and challenges.

But a couple, even being the 1 + 1, this remains one of its own. A separate entity that is required to maintain.

The principle is: anything that helps you maintain and improve your complicity and intimacy will only maintain your relationship.

So ? You want to be happier with your partner? Follow the guide and put into practice these 5 tips. The quality of your relationship will suffer!

Do activities together

The base member.

Over time, if you're not careful, these activities could be reduced to shopping and dishes. Or, at best, watching the evening movie on television.

Do you think that these are the same activities to maintain your torque and improve your complicity?

Instead, try a creative activity or sport. Here, an activity I experienced myself: dance. You work all at the same time, your complicity with your sensuality, through your health. You can even play a little jealousy :-)

grow together

fun activities together, that's good. It's very good. But they are not everything.

It is also necessary to have activities that build your living space, be it physical or mental space.

Share your doubts and questions. It's not easy, I know it because I feel like one. But are part of you and you will grow also thanks to them. And your couple can benefit.

Build your whole living environment: your future home, your home, your lifestyle, your income, ...

By doing so, you actually invest in your marriage and with your partner.

Show your love for one another

Show your love and affection to your partner, it costs little but it brings so. You appreciate a little tender gesture on his part? Well it works in 2 directions. And there's a good chance that your thoughtful gesture to you called from him in return.
So remember to all these small gestures that you can have towards your partner to show him your love and affection. And made them!

You can even have your little rituals to you, who are so many moments to start or end a day (and I do not think that sex :-) The important thing is to put the zest and attention presence will give them their flavor.

Two examples :

  • kiss in the morning: not the simple kiss made hastily. No, the real little kiss, with your full attention, to really wish him "good day";
  • kiss the cook: the one who makes dinner receives a kiss. It's simple, right? It's a way to show your gratitude. Especially if it is the same kitchen that :-)

Eliminate distractions

For distraction, I hear the TV, phone, digital gadgets (tablets, smartphones, ...), your worries and stray thoughts.

This does not eliminate all the time distractions. But when you are together and you talk, give your full attention and energy of the moment at this privileged moment. You can come back for the rest later. But right now, nothing else matters as your partner and exchange.

All your discussions do not deserve the same level of requirements. So you can be flexible.

But some require your full attention. Recognize and be fully present for your partner.

These moments will help you even more to grow together.

laugh together

Humor and laughter are both good antidepressants and great ways to create complicity. They will be a relief valve for your couple and a catalyst connection between you.

In fact, having the same humor and smile or laugh about the same things, in my view, a prerequisite for any couple. For it is a sign that you are already somewhat accomplice. And it is also the sign of a couple who still lives.

You can maintain this by:

  • Thinking about these delicate moments you went through together and are now only good memories;
  • tending poles to your partner, whether teasing or making a pun.

A big laugh is a great moment of happiness in a couple.

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