The 3 Week Diet
The 3 Week Diet

Aug 18, 2016

How To Succeed In Your Relationship

How To Succeed In Your Relationship. Every day is much the opportunity to take care of his marriage and his partner to reap the benefits of its attention and efforts. Series attitudes and gestures that will make the difference in your marriage.

A successful relationship is as much a source of pleasure, well-being and fulfillment that cocoon to relax, rest and recover.

In romantic relationships, like so many other things, they are also the little things that count.

As a misplaced word or a look can escalate into a long feud for several days, small and seemingly insignificant everyday actions can help keep a relationship on track and fortify. A small gift, an innocuous compliment, physical contact of time can greatly strengthen a relationship.

These small signs of interest and affection may be more important than all the years of active listening or all confidence games.

Moreover, women are particularly sensitive to such events: they feel reassured of your love and seduction.

I suggest you 10 tips that are as small marks of attention, affection and tenderness, to maintain your relationship, keep partners satisfied and happy with each other and satisfy your love.

Feel free to make good use ...

Tell him that you love him or her .
English and Spanish are two verbs to express that love, as is the chocolate, for example.

It is therefore not to abuse it. Otherwise your partner feel belittled the status of mere greed.

However, we men, we usually tend to not make enough use.

While it is true that actions speak louder than words, sometimes words speak louder than actions. And it is also simpler :-) Depending on the time or circumstances, do not hesitate to express your feelings to him. A simple "I love you" can suffice: when your partner is reassured about your feelings, she feels desired and secure in her marriage.

Have small gestures of affection.
Small gestures of physical intimacy give your partner a feeling of warmth and attention and convey the love and affection you have for her hand on the lower back as you are standing side by side, your arm around her shoulder on the sofa, hand on her thigh when seated side by side, hand in hand while walking in the street, a little kiss on the cheek in passing ...

These tiny physical contact can be as important or even more important, a longer sexual intimacy.

Tell her what you like about it, and show your gratitude.
This is the for "psychological" in the previous paragraph.

Tell your partner what it is you love about it. And I am not speaking only of physical characteristics! Sure, you can talk to him about his beautiful eyes and his strong beautiful chest. It's flatter. But to force that the tire too.

Express also and especially what you admire in it, which makes you proud, what are its strengths to you. Not only she understood that it is not a physical toy for you, but also will allow him to earn esteem and confidence.

In the same vein, be thankful for his presence and miles Small blessings it has made in your life. Remember that if you are happy in your relationship, your partner did little things for you, every day, to make your life better. Cultivate a daily sense of gratitude and tell him.

Do not keep it to yourself your tastes and dislikes, your dreams and your fears, your achievements and your mistakes. Do not be afraid to tell you. If this is important to you, share it.

We all need a personal and intimate space. Even in the most intimate relationships. And we will not necessarily entrust everything to a very close relationship, even if it is his companion. However, confide, share and give as much of yourself and your time to your partner is the best ways to create intimacy and complicity necessary for any couple.

Spend time together
No matter how busy you are: be sure to spend an evening alone together and every week and every 2 weeks.

Enjoy these moments to share and confide (the point just above), share new experiences, or just enjoy his company.

Be there.
Obviously you must be present when your partner faces a major challenge in his life, such as losing a job or the death of a loved one.

But even for toddlers challenges of life, your presence and your support are just as important: a collision with a family member, a critical period at work, lost a paper ...

Do not be a doormat amorphous and slouching. Be shoulder for her to rest, or the voice of calm and reason when there is chaos.

Listen to what bothers and offer all the help you can. Even if it is only a listening ear.

Give gifts.
That's a point where personally I need to improve.

A small gift, especially when there is no special reason is the opportunity to do all those little things over time ... in one!

You express your love, your love, your attention, your gratitude. All this at a time. And with a single gift.

All opportunities are good to find this little gift that will be a small token of your great love: a good book found in the library, a special dessert, a small trinket jewelery, charging her favorite perfume or clothing. Any gift, large or small, is welcome to express what you feel for her.

Organize a new first tryst.
It's been so long that you are a couple, precisely, you take your relationship and your partner as things acquired.

A good way to seduce her again and accumulate in once more of the above advice is to organize a new first tryst.

Remember your real first date with her lover. And even the few who followed after ... You were trying to make her laugh and seduce her, you put yourself in value (clean, well dressed, well capped, ...), you were fully present and attentive to her, you listen ...

And today ? What look like your meal head-to-head at the restaurant? ... There's a good chance they are not very talkative or very silent, or that you discuss mundane things. And that you care little for it.

Break it by making your next outing a new first tryst.

You can of course go further by organizing a weekend or a trip with friends. But one evening, it's much easier and it can do the same effect.

Take nothing for granted.
The final advice. Very probably the most important.

You have seduced? Repeat! You have maintained your privacy and complicity? Keep going! Do not let routine settle in your couple.

Basically, apply again and again, the previous few tips. And all that walking in your relationship with your partner.

This may sound boring and making use. It is perhaps a little. But your family, your well-being and hers are at stake. And each time, it is also a bit much happiness and fun .

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